Per bunch luminosity inspector

This component is for plotting per bunch luminosity from brilcalc.

2 charts are available:

Charts can be shown/hidden by toggling the switches at the bottom of the page.


Data queries are performed using Query panel at the top of the page.

Fill in fields in “Time” and “Options” sections, and hit “QUERY” button. After successful query, new data is stored in memory (similar as Memory in Total luminosity inspector).

Luminosity values chart

This chart displays plain queried data values. In contrast to other charts, this one is automatically populated (if possible) with delivered luminosity data after successful query. You can also add series manually from memory using form in the “Add series” tab at the bottom of chart container.

Luminosity ratios chart

This chart is for plotting ratios between two series of data. Using form at the bottom of the chart container choose two data series from memory to make ratio and click “ADD RATIO” button.